Services for Kids and Teens

Children may have difficulty learning despite appropriate instruction. They may exhibit problem behaviors despite positive behavior support. Parents and teachers may work together to help children who struggle but sometimes, the problems persist.
- Our comprehensive evaluations can identify learning, behavioral, and emotional challenges that children face. Your child may struggle with reading, math, writing, or exhibit distractibility, social skills deficits, or other challenges. These evaluations identify disorders such as specific learning disability, dyslexia, attention deficit, autism spectrum disorder, anxiety, depression, and other conditions. We provide a thorough report with findings and recommendations for intervention in all areas of need to improve your child's outcomes.
- Our reading assessments for reading success are targeted evaluations that identify skill deficits in learning how to read. These are formative assessments that inform instruction and do not identify disorders. We provide a report so your child's teacher or tutor can implement the instructional recommendations we provide to improve your child's reading skills.
- Our developmental assessments of toddlers who may exhibit delays, difficulty socializing, difficulty with emotional and behavioral control, and communication issues. A report of evaluation will give you the targeted interventions needed for your child to get early intervention.
- We evaluate teenagers or professionals who may need testing accommodations (e.g., additional time) to take the SAT, PSAT, ACT, AP and other school or career exams.
When working with English learners, we evaluate the child's language dominance to ensure that we select the most appropriate, nondiscriminatory and fair tests to evaluate your child.
Our comprehensive or targeted evaluations can identify the root of the problem. We provide research-based interventions for improved outcomes.

Your child may experience stressful events (e.g., parent’s divorce, relocation, bereavement), have school challenges (e.g., bullying, peer conflict, school refusal), traumatic events (e.g., accidents, exposure to violence), and/or have developmental/ medical issues (e.g., illnesses).
These challenges may be difficult to manage and may result in symptoms of depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and other conditions.
We can help your child learn new skills so they can cope with life’s unexpected challenges.
Our team can help your child manage their emotions, develop positive thinking, build resilience, and have a brighter future!

We can work together to help parents and children communicate effectively. Whether your child has temper tantrums, ignores instructions, or talks back, these challenges can be problematic for the entire family.
Parents can learn strategies to respond effectively to their child's behavior. This is helpful in building a positive connection.
We consider cultural beliefs and strengths to help you find the best approach and parenting style to match your child's temperament and meet the family's needs.
With our support, you and your child will improve communication, become closer, and be happier together!
Featured Blog Posts

The last decade has been transformational for many of us. We are a more accepting culture and have evolved beyond the era in which some human groups are superior than others. Yet, even in the most evolved societies, we see populations that continue their lack of tolerance for diversity. In adults, we continue to see issues of race, ethnicity, gender, and more create a politically divisive conversation. In children, we start to see those behaviors in the home or in the classroom, where some children impose their belief of superiority through bullying or other negative behavior.

The school year is almost over and summer days promise family fun. Though rarely the first thought among planned summer activities, learning can make a great difference in a child’s future success. In fact, when children take a break from reading and writing all summer, they miss a valuable opportunity to absorb new information and face losing up to three months of knowledge acquired during the previous school year, also called the “summer slide.” There are numerous fun ways to engage children in learning throughout the summer:

Incidents in schools and communities have highlighted bullying like never before. Bullying is defined as a person targeted negatively with repetitive aggressive and unwanted verbal, physical, or social behavior that involves an imbalance of power. Bullying happens during or after school hours in places like the playground, the school bus, and the Internet. With the Center for Disease Control and Prevention indicating that 20% of high school students experience bullying and the prevalence permeating in elementary and middle school, we need to be the generation that becomes involved in the solution. What can we do to prevent bullying?