Sadness prevails when we watch the news about the recent massacre in Uvalde, Texas, where 19 children and 2 teachers were victim of gun violence at their elementary school. We are devastated thinking about the terror these children endured, the loss, the thought of parents who will not be able to...
Children experience sadness due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. We are exposed to images, videos, and stories about people suffering in Europe. Children and adolescents can become worried and frightened when they see innocent people being victims of war. Exposure to explosions, weapons, children...
The last decade has been transformational for many of us. We are a more accepting culture and have evolved beyond the era in which some human groups are superior than others. Yet, even in the most evolved societies, we see populations that continue their lack of tolerance for diversity. In...
Incidents in schools and communities have highlighted bullying like never before. Bullying is defined as a person targeted negatively with repetitive aggressive and unwanted verbal, physical, or social behavior that involves an imbalance of power. Bullying happens during or after school hours in...
Throughout my life I have met different types of women, but among all of them, women who have their child on their shoulders and go out to earn a living selling their products have left long-lasting impression on me. People walk through the streets and look at them but don't see them. They may...
We are experiencing difficult times due to the Covid-19 pandemic and you feel stressed. It is not easy to have limitations such as wearing a mask, or not being able to get together with your friends and family. You do your best because you don't like feeling that way. If you have children at...
I had a nice conversation with my good friend, Dr. Bruce Goldfeder, Emergency Room doctor. He is a hero, as last year, he was shot while he took actions to subdue a gunman at the West Palm Beach VA Emergency Department, where he worked. His actions prevented the death of the patients he was...
How Can I Prepare My Child For A New Sibling?
Every parent remembers the day they brought home their first baby. They might have felt excited, scared, overwhelmed, or anxious. As that child grows older, many parents will begin to think about having a second child and maybe eventually adding a...
When you experience anxiety or panic attacks, you tend to engage in chest breathing, resulting in an imbalance between the oxygen you inhale and the carbon dioxide that you exhale, which causes your brain to send “danger” signals to your body. You may feel breathless and experience...